Yearly Archives: 2016

Brockley Society Annual General Meeting. 7.30pm, Wednesday 16 November.

Wednesday 16 November, 7.30pm Brockley Social Club All welcome No obligation   As required by charity law, Brockley Society elects officers and other sub-committees every year. This AGM will be selecting these officers for the coming 12 months. By coming along to the meeting there is no obligation to participate, but you are entitled to vote, and may of course choose to stand or join. Anybody is entitled to stand for any of the 4 main officer positions (see details below), and/or to join any of the sub-committees. You can just turn up on the night and add your name to the lists that will be voted on. But please also feel free to get in touch beforehand if you are considering standing and have any queries.   7.00pm: Informal gathering Meet other attendees and have a drink at the bar. 7.30pm: Brockley Voices presentation Over the past 18 months the Brockley […]

Brockley Conservation Area: Advantages and Responsibilities

(This article appeared in the June 2016 Newsletter) Special architectural and historic interest Because of its special architectural and historic interest, Brockley Conservation Area was designated by the council in 1973 and extended in 1991, 1993 and 2005. Building of this speculatively-developed Victorian suburb began in the 1830s. Most houses were built in the second half of the 19th century, with southern parts completed in the 1900s. The special character comes from the variety of architectural styles and detail, the leafiness of gardens and trees, and the distinctive street layout. Distinctive detailing includes stucco capitals and window surrounds, tile paths, terracotta details and spacious front gardens. Post-war buildings exist almost entirely as a result of bomb destruction during the war. Large houses were requisitioned by the government for families made homeless by bombing and the council later bought up properties falling into dereliction, which explains the large number of council properties […]

Informal Open Meeting: 7.30pm, Weds 14th September. Unit 3, Ashby Mews, SE4 1TB

Join us for this special meeting aimed at welcoming anyone who is interested in finding out more about what the Brockley Society does. Address:    Unit 3 Ashby Mews, SE4 1TB Time:           7.30pm, Wednesday 14th September Our great new infographic (see below) shows the many projects that the Brockley Society is currently involved in (PDF download here.) We will be reviewing these projects, particularly welcoming any new ideas and suggestions, and any ideas for possible other projects in the future. We are already focusing on the Festival of Ideas, the Winter Warmer, and our own AGM in November over the next few months – but there is scope for other activities as well… Why not come along to find out more about what we do, meet like-minded folk, and maybe get involved? Light refreshments provided (but feel free to bring a pack of biscuits…) Hope to […]

Front Garden Sale September 2016

Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th September 2016 ++++++++ 11am – 4pm ++++++++ Why not end the summer with a big clear-out? Delve into your cupboards and lofts, sheds and garages… Find out what surplus treasures you’ve got hidden away; Join the ‘Cash from the Attic’ movement now!   *** STOP PRESS *** The 2016 Address list has been finalised! Download a PDF of the list here. Or a JPEG of the map here. Or browse the interactive GoogleMap here (see also below) Have a great weekend one and all!   *** *** ***    Last year, over 70 participants in Brockley successfully de-cluttered. And many, many more grabbed a bargain. Applications for this year are already coming in thick and fast… Why not join them? You can choose to participate on one or both days… And it’s completely free to take part!   It definitely works best if there is a […]

Hilly Fields Mass Photo: media installation at Conran Estates

Friday 15th – Sunday 17th July. ‘The Big Photo’ on Sunday 19 July 2015 on Hilly Fields captured a contemporary portrait of who we are today, inspired by the historic 1918 photo taken in the same place. About 6,000 people took part. The photographer was Simon Terrill, renowned for his work with large-scale community gatherings. We will display photos, video clips and photo-booth pictures taken by others on the day. Call in to have a look or buy the historic Big Photo. Location: Conran Estates, 180 Brockley Road, SE4 2RR. Times: Friday 15th July: 4-7pm Saturday 16th July: 1-4pm Sunday: 17th July: 11am-2pm

Camera's eye view of the throng

Sizzle sizzle! Flickr (Photo: Matt Lancashire on Flickr - CC)

Brockley Society BBQ: Friday 8th July, 7.30pm, Stone Circle, Hilly Fields

Bring friends and family for a communal cook-out, and to meet others from the Brockley area. All are welcome! Some basic food and refreshments will be provided, and feel free to bring your own to cook on BrocSoc’s barbecue. This is a fairly low-key gathering rather than a party; the aim is to just enjoy a pleasant summer evening in the company of community friends. Hope to see you there!

Picture Gallery: Hilly Fields Fayre 2016

Here are the pictures from Hilly Fields Midsummer Fayre, Saturday 18 June. Just click an image below to zoom in! We would like to thank: The stallholders who brought fun and vitality to the Fayre last Saturday The dozens of volunteers who worked extremely hard work to make the day a huge success! Special thanks to the countless people who brought wonderful cakes for our tea-and-cake stall. We have never had so many — it makes us proud to be part of such a community! And of course everyone who came along, ate, drank, bought vintage bric-a-brac and made the day such a success! A date for your diary – Next year’s Fayre with be on: Saturday 24 June 2017

The maypole drew the crowds

Historical Mews Walk. Sunday 8 May, 11am – 12.30pm

Brockley Society president and veteran historian Gillian Heywood MBE is leading another of her fascinating walking tours of the hidden gems of Brockley. It will take place between on Sunday 8th May, between 11am-12.30pm. Running between the back gardens of the large houses on Upper Brockley Road, Manor Avenue, Wickham Road and Breakspears Road, Brockley’s mews are quite unlike the ‘posh’ residential mews in central London. They have a special character of their own, and a varied history. Originally used by tradespeople and servants in the large houses on these roads, they fell into disuse for many years and were plagued by fly-tipping problems. Thankfully, recent concerted effort has vastly improved the character of these unique thoroughfares, with their current uses including garages, storage, light industrial units and live-work units. They also now host buzzing wildlife, some great street art, and the fabulous Community Garden in Breakspears Mews. Join us for […]

Breakspears Mews Community Garden: Visitors’ Day and AGM

Breakspears Mews Community Garden is a shared green space that has been planned, designed, built and maintained by some community members for the use and enjoyment of all Brockley’s community. We grow vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers communally. The Garden has developed over the last three years, after local residents came to a Brockley Society AGM wanting some action on the Mews. Dumped rubbish and anti-social businesses in the mews had been a problem for over 20 years, but determined action by volunteers and the assistance of many agencies in the council and elsewhere mean we now have a resource for community enjoyment. The Annual General Meeting for 2016 and a Visitor’s Day took place on Saturday April 9th. But we welcome new volunteers, both young and old, at any time! Visit the Breakspears Mews Community Garden website here, to find out all about what is being grown and how […]

BMCG Seniors' gardening club. May 2015

Sunday March 13th: Brockley Street Trees event “Everything to play for!”

The Tree Committee cordially invite you to the 5th ‘Tree Enthusiasts’ event! 11.30am, Sunday 13th March 2016 Upstairs at the Talbot Public House “STREET TREES – Everything to play for!” Since 2012, local residents have raised and voted for funds to plant nearly 150 new trees, at numerous locations in the area. This Tree Committee informal open event is for anyone who is keen to see more new street trees (both in Brockley and beyond). Questions also welcome about any aspect of local trees in general, promotion of more, and choices for gardens, yards, plots or even pots. Tea/coffee and cakes served ALL WELCOME! FREE! Upstairs at the Talbot Public House 2 Tyrwhitt Road (Lewisham Way end) Please let us know you’re coming – or just turn up. Donations welcome Visit the BrockleyStreetTrees website

Midwinter Warmer Event 2016

  Seniors citizens from Brockley and beyond came together for several hours on Saturday 13th February at the Brockley Social Club for the ‘Midwinter Warmer’ event, now in its eighth year. Sandwiches and cakes were provided by volunteers, and entertainment was provided by the Seniors Choir. One senior, Gloria Brown, commented: “I really enjoyed myself. There was such a good turnout despite the bad weather.  As usual there were more women than men but nevertheless the atmosphere was warm and friendly. “Each guest was given two raffle tickets – one for a drink and the other for the prize draw – and everyone won a prize. I arrived by myself as my friend couldn’t make it, but I had nice conversation with the two ladies who sat with me. I would like to thank all those that volunteered and made the event such a success.” One brave man from the […]