Constitution change to CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation)

Brockley Society has been a charity for 49 years. But our founding Constitution (dated 1974) needed updating to meet changes in Charity Commission rules, and to better reflect our dual role as a conservation society campaigning on planning and conservation, whilst also being a community organisation engaged in wider activities.

At our AGM in 2019 we first discussed the proposal to become a Community Infrastructure Organisation (CIO) following the Association model. This was discussed and agreed at each subsequent AGM until 2022. Accordingly, the Charity Commission registered our new CIO constitution on 2 December 2022.

Membership: The new constitution allows two classes of membership: voting members and associate (non-voting) members.

Eligibility for voting membership is open to anyone interested in furthering Brockley Society’s purposes (see below) and who has indicated acceptance of the duty of members set out in the new constitution. Associate membership is not restricted, and is open to all. The new constitution can be viewed here;  voting membership application forms will be available on this website shortly.


Notice of Special General Meeting of


(Charity No. 1004245)

Notice is hereby given to all Members of the Brockley Society that a Special General Meeting shall be held on Wednesday 5 April 2023 at 7pm at The Talbot, 2 Tyrwhitt Road, SE4 1QG, for the purposes of:

1. Considering the following Special Resolutions.

  • The Brockley Society shall apply for registration with the Charities Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) with the name “The Brockley Society”.
  • The CIO shall adopt the new constitution as its constitution.
  • The assets of the Brockley Society shall be transferred to the CIO for the furtherance of its charitable objects. The existing Brockley Society charity (No. 1004245) shall be dissolved.

2. Calling a Special General Meeting on 19 April 2023 at 7.30pm at Lucas Vale School, SE8 4QF at which the dissolution of the existing charity will be confirmed.

 Notice of the First Annual General Meeting of

THE BROCKLEY SOCIETY (Charitable Incorporated Organisation)

Charity No. 1201209

Notice is hereby given that the first annual general meeting of The Brockley Society, a Charitable incorporated Organisation (CIO), shall be held on Wednesday 19 April 2023 at 7:45pm at Lucas Vale School, SE8 4QF (access Tanner’s Hill or Lucas Street) This meeting shall be held on short notice on the agreement of not less than 90% of the members present.

The purpose of the meeting shall be:

1. to appoint the first charity trustees of the CIO The following persons are standing for election as charity trustees: Clare Cowen, Els van Leeuwen, Richard Freeston, Chris Johnson, Lorna Jackson-Mottershead , Laura Cunningham

2. To receive a statement of the assets of the CIO

3. To adopt and ratify the actions of The Brockley Society

To be followed by a talk at 8pm by Gillian Heywood MBE on “Lewisham Way and Brockley from 1845”.

The Purpose (‘Objects’) of  The Brockley Society

as stated in the new constitution

1. To promote high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the Brockley Conservation Area and elsewhere in the London Borough of Lewisham.

2. To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history, culture and architecture of the Brockley Conservation Area and elsewhere in the London Borough of Lewisham.

3. To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features or areas of historic or public interest in the Brockley Conservation Area and elsewhere in the London Borough of Lewisham.

In furtherance of the above objects but not otherwise, the trustees shall have the power to establish a neighbourhood forum for the Brockley Conservation Area and elsewhere in the London Borough of Lewisham to promote and/or improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area.