Despite the need to social distance, this year’s Breakspears Mews Community Garden Open Day on Saturday 4th July was a great success, with over 80 people attending. As always, regular attendees at the garden were proud to show off the fruits of their labours, and visitors were delighted to discover this oasis of tranquility, community and wholesomeness.
Sadly, due to Covid-19, regular gardening sessions had to be suspended for several months. However, we are delighted to be able to report that the Garden will now be open for the following sessions – always weather-permitting!. If it rains the event will be cancelled. Refreshments and cakes provided. Events are free, but donations welcome. We hope to see you there!
Tuesday 04/08/2020 @11am – noon: coffee morning
Thursday 06/08/2020 Poetry evening @ 6pm: garden open with poetry starting @7pm
Saturday 22/08/2020 @11am – noon: coffee morning
Saturday 12/09/2020 Brockley Society – Front Garden Sale
Sunday 12/09/2020 Brockley Society – Front Garden Sale
Saturday 19/09/2020 London Open House – Open spaces event – garden open day (to be confirmed)
Sunday 20/09/2020 London Open House -Open spaces event – garden open day (to be confirmed)
Saturday 24/10/2020 @11am – 12.30pm Crafting workshop
- Community Garden