In Search of David Jones: Artist, Soldier, Poet

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Director Derk Shiel will introduce his Film about David Jones’ early years on Monday 1 June 2015, 7.30pm to 9.30pm, St Peter’s Church, Wickham Road, corner of Cranfield Road, Brockley, SE4 1LT.

FREE event as part of Brockley Max Festival, with Friends of Brockley and Ladywell Cemeteries.

David Jones was both a painter and one of the first generation British modernist poets. He was born in 1895 in Arabin Road, Brockley, and lived in Vesta Road and Howson Road. His drawings and delicate paintings are in Tate Britain and Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge. In Brockley Cemetery, to the west of the Chapel, is his circular grave stone, at his parents’ grave, a cross, carved by Eric Gill.